Heirloom Quality Furniture
Mistler's Oak Furniture and More

Quality You Can See and Feel...
Customers that visit our family–owned store are pleased to find exceptional quality and craftsmanship throughout. Our store is, without a doubt a destination people from all over the area continue to shop for four simple reasons:
- We are family owned & on site daily. Our commitment to this business is evident with exceptional customer service.
- Every Amish shop or American builder is chosen for their attention to detail & quality. We will not put anything in our showroom that we would not be proud to put in our own home.
- We do a tremendous amount of custom work, along with our quality accessories for your entire home.
- Our furniture is cherished for generations.

Our MIssion
At Mistler’s Oak Furniture, our mission is to provide families with furniture that blends safety, quality and affordability with durability and maximum functionality. We are passionate about creating quality products that meet the needs of growing families.